2nd Day - Courses ~ SAKURA Science exchange ~
Graph Theory
Instructor: Professor Suzuki (鈴木教授)
- vertices
edges - degree: 點上有幾條邊
maximum degree
Hand Shaking Lemma: sum. of deg. is the twice of the edge
(PF: 在每個點旁邊的邊放tokens)
Odd pt. thm.: the number of the vertices with odd deg is even XD - Cycle: 踩點只能踩一次的圈圈
Problems: 最長的和最短的cycle? - simple graph: no self-loop
- Bipartite graph: 分兩邊,一邊的點和另一邊的所有點相連
Partite sets
Thm.: bip. if and only if it has no cycle of odd length - Planar graph: can be drawn w/o crossing
- Dual of p. graph: place vertices at regions and join all vertices "near" it
Fact: odd-sided poly. can not be divided into even-sided polygons
(Pf: take dual, contradict with odd pt. thm.) - planar even-sided graph
Fact: any above graph is bip.
(Pf: 你假設有一個odd cycle,那裡面一定要有一個點,和上一個fact矛盾)
- Dual of p. graph: place vertices at regions and join all vertices "near" it
- Four color problem (thm.)
Thm.: any map on the plane can be colored by 4 colors - cube flip
The math behind the logo of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games
Ryota (Tanaka教授的學生) 中午帶大家去吃非常好吃的鰻魚飯
天啊那個入口即化的鰻魚 好吃到自認詞窮無法描述其美味